Meet Pat. This native Victorian has two children and three grandchildren, all of whom reside in Greater Victoria. Pat likes to keep busy. She is an avid camper, being a chapter member of two RV groups; a chapter member of the “Red Hats”, women’s group for those over 50, and delivers the weekly community newspaper in her community. Pat heard about Sendial from a friend and has been a Program volunteer for over 20 years. She is the Wednesday Shopping Captain at the Admiral’s Walk Thrifty Foods store in Victoria and has also done some phoning over the years. Pat enjoys helping others, contributing to the community and interacting with store staff and peer shoppers. She considers her organizational ability and attention to detail to be strengths that serve her well with and for Sendial and feels it is a wonderful, rewarding program. Pat recalls a customer who once provided her with extensive information about a product and told her that if the wrong one was selected; he would let someone know where to shove it!